General rules

Terms of Entry

  1. Rights of admission are reserved, meaning we can refuse entry if we deem this appropriate.
  2. Noise outdoors from the venue after midnight is strictly prohibited except for in the designated area outside the bus stop. Please ensure you remain as quiet as possible while outside or this will jeopardize future events and your continued right to entry at the party.
  3. Please drink responsibly —we reserve the right to eject any visitors who we determine to be disruptive.
  4. Please adhere to British laws as you would expect to, this means no anti-social behaviour and being respectful towards other party visitors and the general public.
  5. Table places are not guaranteed, and are strictly limited to two people minimum per table. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment. Reservations can be made at the discretion of the party organisers.

Photosensitivity and NOVA

Demoparties, by their nature, tend to be full of striking animated visuals. They're a lot of fun, but they can also be a concern for people with photosensitivity (e.g. PSE). While we can't make any 100% guarantees about the presence of flashing images at NOVA, we do want to keep you informed about the risks and let you know about some of the safeguards we have in place.

Demos submitted to compos may contain flashing images. When we're aware of a production containing a lot of flashing, we will try to include a warning beforehand, but unfortunately we don't have the time and resources to fully review every demo submitted during the party. As cliché as it sounds: viewer discretion is advised.

None of the lighting shows at NOVA this year will have flashing strobes. In addition, we'll be using a tool called PEAT to analyse the previs renders of lighting cues ahead of time. This tool follows the Harding Flash and Pattern Test standard developed by Cambridge Research Systems and Dr. Graham Harding. It's the same standard that the BBC and Netflix use for broadcast images, and it should hopefully reduce the risk to people with photosensitivity at NOVA.